Thinking out loud about past, present and future (#4) — A toolbox for ‘new ways of thinking and being‘

Mark Storm
3 min readNov 5, 2018


Rite of Passage (2014), by Elmgreen & Dragset (mixed media, galvanized steel fence, galvanized steel sign, paint, acrylic sign, taxidermy vulture).

“The most fruitful and natural exercise for our minds is, in my opinion, conversation.” — Michel de Montaigne, Of The Art Of Conference

As we, Eitan Reich and Mark Storm, are planning for a transformative learning program to help senior managers and executive leaders make sense of the world, we often share our thoughts and ideas, and talk about our own experiences. Our conversations meander in many directions and frequently run into dead-end streets. We like to share them anyway because we believe that ‘thinking out loud’ is not only “the most fruitful and natural exercise for our minds” but also leads to the most beautiful results, in the end…

Three episodes

So far, our toolbox for ‘new ways of thinking and being’ contains:

  • Curiosity, craftsmanship and beauty (episode 1)
  • ‘Better,’ mastery, playfulness and ‘being wrong’ (episode 2)
  • ‘The good,’ ethics, ethical decision-making and the ‘self’ (episode 3)

Our conversations have given us a good understanding of what it takes to live and lead in times of change. We have also come to realise that what is missing from our process of growth is exactly that, ‘the conversation.’ In an interview with EgonZehnder, Erica Ariel Fox, the author of Winning From Within, puts it nicely…

“There’s got to be some process of maturation that takes you from whatever level you are operating at and again conceiving of yourself in your role, with your company, and lifts you up to your heroic nature.”

We would like to continue this conversation with you! So that is why we are now organising the first ‘NEW WAYS OF thinking & being’ conversational leadership program, which will start in September 2019. It will be a unique learning journey for a small and exclusive group of senior managers and executive leaders, consisting of a 3-day retreat, followed by a 90-day support program with weekly one-to-one conversations to help you make progress.

‘NEW WAYS OF thinking & being’ is will be a true ‘rite of passage’ for leaders who want to move forward even when things are ambiguous and uncertain.

If you are curious and would like to know more already, please contact us at

Man on Horseback Crossing a Bridge (woodblock color print), from Ando Hiroshige’s series Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaido (1834–1842).

“The way that I think about leadership development at the senior-most level, is as a rite of passage. […] And you come through an experience that transforms you into the most mature version of yourself. And we have completely lost, in our society, these rituals, initiations, transformations […] but we are saying face your fears. we are saying, there’s got to be some process of maturation that takes you from whatever level you are operating at and again conceiving of yourself in your role, with your company, and lifts you up to your heroic nature. That says, you know, you have a quest and until you figure out what it is you are just not operating the grandeur, the nobility of leadership. And that is where we think greatness comes from.” — Erica Ariel Fox



Mark Storm

Helping people in leadership positions flourish — with wisdom and clarity of thought